This article is from the August - September 2005 The Mexico File newsletter.
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The Expat Radio Show
 - Coming Soon

Have you set your sights on becoming an expat in Mexico?

If you'd like to know what trials and tribulations others have faced and how they’ve managed, listen in to the new radio show, “The Expat Show,” debuting the end of October on WTBQ-1110 AM, 12:30 p.m., Eastern Time, on Saturdays.

ABC Producer and native New Yorker Tai Aguirre and his wife Adele had been looking for land in Belize as a place for a second home but circumstances landed them instead in a small pueblo on Mexican’s Gulf Coast, San Crisanto, where they purchased a house. Having a back-ground in broadcasting and investigative reporting, Aguirre thought the time was right to introduce a show for expats, and the interest level, he reports, has been extremely high.

Although the show will call on expats from around the globe, the first several shows will feature Mexico as an expat haven. Issues such as health care, buying land, and starting a business will be some of the issues covered.

Author Jeanine Kitchel, Puerto Morelos expatriate and frequent Mexico File contributor, will be interviewed in the premier show. Drawing on her knowledge of Quintana Roo and the Yucatan Peninsula, Kitchel will discuss her nonfiction book, Where the Sky is Born: Living in the Land of the Maya, which tells the story of how she bought land in 1990 and built a house in Mexico.

For showtimes, check the website at Questions emailed to the producer will be read and discussed on the air. The radio show will also be available by internet.